Course Credits and References


Donna Barratt

Course Developer Donna Barratt (BS, MS) is a professional writer and educator with over 35 years of teaching experience. She has also been a successful administrator and director of education in a large organization. She has written professional development curriculum for several top education companies and has several years experience writing and developing business plans, grants, and training materials for both individuals and large groups. 

John Chouinard

Course Instructor John Chouinard (BA Business and Finance) has over 30 years of experience managing, consulting, and brokering in the insurance and financial services industries and has obtained N.A.S.D. Series 7 Securities License as well as Life and Health Insurance Licenses. He has taught several classes at the college level involving insurance, finance and securities. In his recent retirement, he spends his time between volunteering at charities and sharing with students his knowledge and passion for investing, personal finance, estate planning, and business management.