Editing Text
Before you can start to edit text, you must open the Advanced Editing toolbar. Go to View>Toolbars>Advanced Editing.
It looks like this when it's open:
To edit text, you'll use the TouchUp tool: .
When you click on the TouchUp tool, your mouse pointer becomes a text-editing I-beam when it roams over text. The cursor looks like an uppercase "I."
All you have to do to edit text is click on the text you want to edit, then type in your changes.
You can see our cursor in the snapshot below:
To extract text from a document, use the TouchUp tool. Click to place the cursor before the text that you want to extract. Hold your mouse button down and highlight the text, as shown below:
Add a Link to a Document
Let's say we want to add a link (a link to a website) to our document. We'd select the Link tool: located in the Advanced Editing toolbar.
Select the Link tool.
Next, draw a rectangle around the text that you want to turn into a link. The Create Link dialogue box will appear.
Now, select the Link Action. We're going to choose Open a web page.
Click Next.
Enter the URL for the link.
Click OK.
We now have a link inserted into our document:
You can change the appearance:
Click OK. Then click OK to close the Link Properties dialogue box.
Insert an Image
Adobe Acrobat 9 doesn't give you a way to insert images into documents like other programs do. However, if you want to insert an image into a document, you can use the Stamps tool on the Comments & Markup toolbar.
To start to insert an image, go to View>Toolbars>Comments & Markup. The Stamp tool looks like this: .
Click the downward arrow beside the tool, and select Create Custom Stamp.
Click OK.
Next, select a category for the new stamp. The category you choose will the category it appears in when you click the Stamp tool, then select a stamp.
The categories are dynamic, standard business, and sign here. As you can see, if we click the downward arrow beside the stamp tool, we see those categories.
Choose a category, then enter a name for the stamp (as shown below).
Click OK.
To place the stamp on your document, go back to the Stamp tool. Click the downward arrow, then select the category you placed the image in. Find your image and select it. You may have to click the downward arrow in the menu to scroll down and find your stamp:
Select the stamp. If you move your mouse over the document, the stamp will appear with a hazy film on top. The hazy film appears because the stamp has not yet been placed.
You can also edit an image in a PDF using the TouchUp Object tool: . Using this tool, you can change the position and orientation.
Select the tool, then click on an image or object on the page:
Acrobat draws a light blue border around the object/image to let you know that it's selected.
To change the size of the image/object, click and drag on one of the black squares at the corners of the object/image. We've circled one of the squares below.
To move the object, simply drag it to where you want to place it.
Add Headers and Footers
Headers appear at the top of every page. Footers appear at the bottom.
To add headers and footers, go to Document>Header & Footer>Add.
The dialogue box that appears looks more complicated than it is:
Go to the Margins field and type the margin values for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
Next, you'll see six text fields (as shown below).
Enter the text you want for the left, center, and right side of the header. These will appear on the far left, center, and far right side of each page.
Next, do the same for the footer.
If you only want a header and footer on certain pages of your document, click Page Range Options.
Click OK again and Acrobat adds your header and footer to your document.
Adding Bookmarks
Bookmarks are essentially a clickable table of contents that exists in the Navigation Pane.
To create a bookmark in a document:
Set the document window to show the view you want as the bookmark's target, as we've done below.

Type in a name for the bookmark. We've selected New Bookmark.
Now, whenever you click on that bookmark, it will take you to that place in the document and that view.