Online Class: Second Grade Curriculum

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Course Description
Unveiling the Pinnacle of Second Grade Curriculum: A Comprehensive Learning Experience
In the vast educational landscape of the U.S., there isn't a one-size-fits-all national curriculum. However, there is a prevailing wind that has led to a remarkable convergence of understanding about what young minds should assimilate at each educational level. Enter our course, meticulously crafted around the spirit of these collective insights.
An impressive 48 states have rallied around the notion of core standards, embracing the essence of unified learning objectives. Drawing inspiration from these endorsed standards, our course presents an immersive experience in eight foundational subjects: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music & Movement, and Creative Dramatics.
This course is not just a theoretical presentation of curriculum elements. It's a dynamic, interactive guide tailored for second grade educators. Every subject module delves deep into the heart of its content, offering age-resilient activities to drive home the lesson's core objectives. Furthermore, every lesson becomes a treasure trove of seasoned teaching advice, empowering educators with strategies to captivate the curious minds of second graders.
Over the past few decades, educational paradigms have evolved, with an unmistakable gravitation towards a "learner-centered" approach. This isn't merely a pedagogical technique; it's a philosophy. It's an attitude. And our course is its flag-bearer. Woven into each lesson are pearls of wisdom from accomplished educators, showcasing how best to immerse students in the subject at hand.
But here's the pièce de résistance. Engaging, interactive teaching methodologies aren't just buzzwords; they have quantifiable outcomes. Research indicates that students exposed to this dynamic mode of learning have consistently outperformed on standardized tests like the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Evidently, the manner of teaching holds as much gravitas as the content itself.
A nurturing educational environment—one where students feel at liberty to voice their ideas, and where errors are stepping stones, not stumbling blocks—is paramount for academic excellence. Our course serves as a beacon, illuminating the path for educators to foster this nurturing milieu, accentuated with tailored teaching tips, engaging learning activities, and the breadth of knowledge every second grader deserves.
Course Modules:
- Second Grade Overview: Dive into the world of second grade curriculum, mapping out the academic journey ahead.
- Creating Curriculum: Unpack the art and science of crafting an effective curriculum.
- Reading and Literature: Kindle the love for literature and foster reading prowess.
- Writing, Grammar, & English Usage: Sharpen the tools of language and expression.
- Mathematics: Navigate the realm of numbers and logical thinking.
- Science: Unearth the wonders of the natural and physical world.
- Social Studies: Journey through time and cultures, understanding our global tapestry.
- Art: Unleash creativity through colors, shapes, and forms.
- Music: Ride the waves of rhythm, melody, and harmony.
- Dramatic Arts: Step into the world of expression, narrative, and performance.
Join us in this transformative journey, charting the course for our next generation of thinkers, leaders, and creators.
Course Motivation
The Second Grader
Second graders have more of a handle on school than 1st graders did. They have the mechanics of school down, are more settled into the routine and comfortable with the other kids. By 2nd grade, children are more sophisticated about their work. They're no longer pleased with the shallow praise they might have liked the year before, and they understand when they are actually doing well.
By this age, the exuberant first graders turn into calmer thinkers. Sometimes they work in groups, some might prefer to work on their own or with one other friend. Most will be 7-8 years old, but learning rates vary. Many schools teach first and second grade together to accommodate the wide range of learning rates in this age period, although the gap narrows throughout the second year.
Academically, second graders will be expanding and extending their skills from last year. After learning all of those basic skills in first grade, children now chance to use them and enjoy them.
Half of students will be pretty good readers, although some may need more coaching and strategies. Most will read and enjoy listening to chapter books. Second graders are shifting from transitional spelling to understanding the real spelling of words. They will still need guidance on new vocabulary. Their writing skills may be developed but limited – they will respond to opportunities to expand and develop individually.
In math, most students will have a solid understanding of addition and a good grasp on subtraction. They know the working basics of fractions and geometry, if not the proper terminology. Most have heard of multiplication and division concepts. Many second graders will say they love math, and many will prefer it to reading; this is a good opportunity to extend and build on what they learned in first grade and sustain their interest to know more.
Socially, second grade can be a period of tattling and blaming. Kids this age are very sensitive to the feelings and attitudes of others, but are still learning how to manage their own responses.
They are still trying to understand their own family experiences and how they relate to the world. Educators stress that teachers should attend to students' emotional development as well as their intellectual development. As with other ages, it's important not to underestimate the second grader. They will respond to larger, dramatic stories that help them make sense of their own feelings and experiences.
Learning Needs
The view of schooling is no longer the textbook-based, one-sided lecture method of the 19thand 20th Centuries. Education theory has shifted dramatically in recent decades. The passive learning styles of our past are now understood to be poor methods of teaching that ignore the learning needs of children.
Scientific research over the last few decades has shown that the old model of lecture/test is inconsistent with how memory works and how the brain processes information. Whereas earlier attempts at more interactive, egalitarian-style teaching might have been dismissed as utopian visions, studies in neuroscience and cognitive psychology are now backing them up.
Adding up what we now know, what do young students need to learn?
Rich learning environments - Brain growth is maximized with multi-sensory experiences. So much teaching in the U.S. is based on teacher lecturing, with emphasis on verbal instruction. Yet verbal learning is just one method. Adding other sensory teaching tools -- like visual cues, hands-on work, etc., -- enables a richer learning experience.
Differentiate instruction and activities – In the past, addressing alternative learning needs and styles was often added as an afterthought, if at all. Lessons were simply aimed at the average learner. The new thinking is that teachers should, from the beginning, conceive their lessons in a manner that provides for multiple levels and styles of learning.
Build on prior knowledge – We now know learners take in new information by connecting it to old information they already know. So often teaching begins from where the teacher is, instead of where the students are. Teachers can find out where students are with a variety of assessment tools, and then:
Help students make connection to their prior knowledge, and
Help students personalize new material.
Role of emotions and feelings - Emotions and feelings are learned and influence cognitive learning. To alleve anxieties and enhance learning, teachers can first create an environment that is positive for learning; one that allows students to feel comfortable taking risks, and not too embarrassed by making mistakes. Teachers can also target their lesson plans with tasks that are challenging, but not so difficult as to be frustrating.
Teachers can set the tone by creating an environment for high expectations by establishing a learning environment that feels expansive. Help the students see that learning is an adventure, and an important one. Engage their sense of adventure and discovery. Expect a lot of your students, and encourage them to expect much of you.
Engage Students
Teachers must get their students attention before they can learn. As adults, we take classes or read books like Dale Carnegie's How to win friends and influence people to improve our people skills. But somehow, with students as a captive audience, teachers might neglect the similar need to engage students and win their attention.
Here are some strategies to engage students:
Use humor, drama, elements of surprise
Set the mood with songs or stories relevant to the lesson
Follow-up on teachable moments as they occur, to allow spontaneous learning when students are most interested and engaged in a topic
Parent Communication
Educators stress that parent involvement remains vital past the first grade, even after students adjust to life in the classroom. In their book, How is my Second Grader Doing in School?, the authors emphasize that the primary parent is the child's first teacher, and remains the most important teacher in the student's life.
Ideally, teachers and parents would work as partners. Schools will often provide several methods of communication between teachers and parents:
The Open House, which provides an introduction/overview to the classroom philosophies;
Parent-teacher conferences – These include regular periodic conferences, or special conferences called for academic or discipline needs;
Student assessments also provide a method for teachers to communicate with parents.
The National Education Association has found that teachers are often not taught the strong communication skills needed to conference with parents. Similarly, parents often have anxieties about conferences: they may see criticisms of their child as criticisms of themselves, or they may have had bad experiences as a student.
One study on parent involvement made three recommendations: (1) Parent involvement needs to be increased; (2) teachers should confer with parents about home life along with their performance in school; and (3) if parents knew how to, they would help children more at home.
Teachers should work on listening to the parent during the conference – it should be a true dialogue with the parents speaking half the time. This will encourage the feeling of collaboration. Parents need to view themselves as having equal status with educator, and take more of an authoritative role in their child's education.
The parent-teacher relationship can be a challenge to both teachers and parents. One way to alleviate anxieties is to establish and maintain continual communication throughout the school year. Talk about the child's daily accomplishments and activities, so the communication channels are open when more involved conferences occur.
- Completely Online
- Self-Paced
- Printable Lessons
- Full HD Video
- 6 Months to Complete
- 24/7 Availability
- Start Anytime
- PC & Mac Compatible
- Android & iOS Friendly
- Accredited CEUs

Course Lessons
Lesson 1 : Second Grade Overview
Lesson 1 Video
Lesson discussions: 2nd Grade Curriculum; Reasons for Taking this Course
Complete Assignment: Motives for Taking this Course
Assessment: Lesson 1 Exam
Lesson 2 : Creating Curriculum
Lesson 2 Video
Lesson discussions: Learner Centered Approach
Assessment: Lesson 2 Exam
Lesson 3 : Reading and Literature
Lesson 3 Video
Assessment: Lesson 3 Exam
Lesson 4 : Writing and Grammar / English Usage
Lesson 4 Video
Assessment: Lesson 4 Exam
Lesson 5 : Mathematics
Lesson 5 Video
Assessment: Lesson 5 Exam
Lesson 6 : Science
Lesson 6 Video
Assessment: Lesson 6 Exam
Lesson 7 : Social Studies
Lesson 7 Video
Assessment: Lesson 7 Exam
Lesson 8 : Art
Lesson 8 Video
Assessment: Lesson 8 Exam
Lesson 9 : Music
Lesson 9 Video
Assessment: Lesson 9 Exam
Lesson 10 : Dramatic Arts
Lesson 10 Video
Lesson discussions: 2nd Grade Subjects; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course); Course Comments
Assessment: Lesson 10 Exam
Assessment: The Final Exam
Learning Outcomes
- Summarize second grade curriculum needs and requirements.
- Define techniques to consider when creating curriculum for the second grade.
- Summarize curriculum needs for reading and literature, writing and grammar usage, mathematics, science, and social studies.
- Summarize curriculum needs for art, music, and the dramatic arts.
- Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.
Additional Course Information

- Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
- Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
- Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
- View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
- Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media

Choose Your Subscription Plan
No Certificate / No CEUs
This course only
Includes certificate | X |
Includes CEUs | X |
Self-paced |
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Instructor support |
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Time to complete | 6 months |
No. of courses | 1 course |
Certificate & CEUs
This course only
Includes certificate |
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Includes CEUs |
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Self-paced |
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Instructor support |
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Time to complete | 6 months |
No. of courses | 1 course |
Certificates & CEUs
Includes all 600+ courses
Includes certificate |
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Includes CEUs |
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Self-paced |
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Instructor support |
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Time to complete | 12 Months |
No. of courses | 600+ |
Certificates & CEUs
Includes all 600+ courses
Includes certificate |
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Includes CEUs |
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Self-paced |
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Instructor support |
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Time to complete | 24 Months |
No. of courses | 600+ |
Student Testimonials
- "This course was very helpful and I enjoyed all the lessons and I learned quite a lot. I feel very comfortable in creating a curriculum for the private school I work at. In fact, I feel that I will be able to do this very well. Thank you!" -- Thomas M.
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